Communication: Speech Therapy

Speech-Language Pathology Services

Offered Services

Services offered include a summary detailing communication strengths and challenges, or an assessment report may be requested. An individualized program will be designed based on the results of the Speech-Language Pathology assessment.

Sessions involve measurable goals, and a range of materials are provided to make therapy effective and fun! At the end of every therapy session, home programming activities are provided to continue communication development or communication rehabilitation between therapy sessions.

Adult Speech Pathology Services
Some of the specific treatment methods that can be provided include:

Hanen Certified Programs
Kaufman Speech to Language Protocol
PROMPT to restructure speech
Sign Language Supports
Language or Literacy Individualized Treatment Methods
Analytic and/or Gestalt Language Processing Methods

Autism Spectrum Disorder Individualized Treatment Methods
Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Stroke or Acquired Brain Injury Individualized Treatment Methods
Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia
Lidcombe and Fluency Plus for Stuttering

Ask yourself “Does my loved one, whether a child or adult, have any of the following communication needs?” COMMUNICATION Speech Therapy's services include:
Needs specific communication difficulties identified. Assessment: Phone or email to discuss and schedule an assessment
Having difficulty making speech sounds to form words or being understood by others? Speech Sound Therapy: Articulation, Phonology, Motor Speech, Dysarthria, or Apraxia for Children and Adults
Having difficulty understanding words, phrases, sentences, questions, or directions from others? Receptive Language Therapy
Having difficulty with memory, attention, planning, organizing, problem-solving or reasoning? Cognitive Communication Therapy
Having difficulty saying words, phrases or sentences, describing events effectively to others, or engaging in conversations? Expressive Language
Having difficulty with play development, social interaction, reading emotions and social cues, understanding another’s perspective, and engaging in meaningful conversation with others? Social Pragmatic Therapy or Autism Spectrum Disorder: Gestalt Language Processing methods available
Having difficulty with achieving foundational pre-literacy skills or struggling with reading and writing abilities? Reading/Writing Therapy.
Having difficulty with stuttering or not achieving a smooth flow to speech (i.e., dysfluency)? Stuttering Therapy
Having difficulty with speech sounding too nasalized in quality or speech sounding like the nose is plugged? Resonance Therapy
Having difficulty with losing your voice, the quality of your voice, or pitch or volume issues when speaking? Voice Therapy
Having difficulty co-ordinating supportive services, or needing a speech-language pathologist to provide consultation with other professionals to support your loved one? Communication Consultation Services: Daycares, schools, seniors' residences, developmental or rehabilitation agencies
Call or email to find out more.
I offer a free telephone consultation and I am looking forward to hearing from you! Contact Me