Ask yourself “Does my loved one, whether a child or adult, have any of the following communication needs?” | COMMUNICATION Speech Therapy's services include: | |
Needs specific communication difficulties identified. | Assessment: Phone or email to discuss and schedule an assessment | |
Having difficulty making speech sounds to form words or being understood by others? | Speech Sound Therapy: Articulation, Phonology, Motor Speech, Dysarthria, or Apraxia for Children and Adults | |
Having difficulty understanding words, phrases, sentences, questions, or directions from others? | Receptive Language Therapy | |
Having difficulty with memory, attention, planning, organizing, problem-solving or reasoning? | Cognitive Communication Therapy | |
Having difficulty saying words, phrases or sentences, describing events effectively to others, or engaging in conversations? | Expressive Language | |
Having difficulty with play development, social interaction, reading emotions and social cues, understanding another’s perspective, and engaging in meaningful conversation with others? | Social Pragmatic Therapy or Autism Spectrum Disorder: Gestalt Language Processing methods available | |
Having difficulty with achieving foundational pre-literacy skills or struggling with reading and writing abilities? | Reading/Writing Therapy. | |
Having difficulty with stuttering or not achieving a smooth flow to speech (i.e., dysfluency)? | Stuttering Therapy | |
Having difficulty with speech sounding too nasalized in quality or speech sounding like the nose is plugged? | Resonance Therapy | |
Having difficulty with losing your voice, the quality of your voice, or pitch or volume issues when speaking? | Voice Therapy | |
Having difficulty co-ordinating supportive services, or needing a speech-language pathologist to provide consultation with other professionals to support your loved one? | Communication Consultation Services: Daycares, schools, seniors' residences, developmental or rehabilitation agencies |
I offer a free telephone consultation and I am looking forward to hearing from you! Contact Me